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38 year old female with diffuse headache and multiple joint pains

This is online E log book to discuss our patient’s de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian’s signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient’s problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs

A 38 year old female sales person by occupation came with complaints of 
Diffuse headache since 1 year 
Multiple joint pains since 1 year
Lumbar-cervical-shoulder joint-knee joint-wrist-PIP
DIP -spared

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 year back then developed headache -diffuse type,insidious in onset ,gradually progressive 
Relieved on medication

Multiple joint painsnot associated with early morning stiffness and fever.joint pains increases with work associated with neck pain
Tingling of both upper limbs 
Past history 
K/C/O HTN -not on medication 

Patient is Conscious, coherent,co operative well oriented to time,place,person

No icterus, No Cyanosis, No lymphadenopathy, No edema

Temperature -98.6F
Pulse rate- 84bpm
Blood pressure-120/90mm hg
Respiratory rate -16cpm


S1,S2 heard, NO Murmurs 

BAE present,NVBS


PER ABDOMEN:Soft, non tender
No guarding, No rigidity 
Bowel sounds present 
USG abdomen - grade 1 fatty liver
27/4/22-60 mm/1st hour
4/5/22-50mm/1st hour
RA factor -negative


1.Tab AMITRIPTYLINE 10mg 1/2 tab /PO/HS


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