CASE HSITORY AND CLINICAL FINDINGS 29 year old female patient came to the casualty with h/o consumption of rodentiscide paste / ratatol poisoning 6days back [ 10 gm - approx. containing 3% yellow phosphorus ] followed by complaits of 1 episode of fever with chills 4 days ago subscided with medication . complaints of vomiting since 4 days 2to 3 episodes per day ,food as contents complaints of yellowish discolouration of eyes and body since yesterday associated with discolouration of urine and dcrease appetite since 2 days . patient visited to local RMP yesterday morning she under went investigations : her Hb 3.7 gmd /dl ,TB : 5.6 DB 3.2 AST 270 ,ALT 340 ,ALP 135 ,TP 6.4 ,albumin 3.9 globulin 2.5 complaints of burnung sensation in chest ,giddiness today morning associated with palpitations so she was brought to our hospital, no history of loose stools, pain abdomen, bleeding gumsno discouluration of stools ,no h/o sob ,blood in stools ,h/o fever 7 years ago, she got test...