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Showing posts from June, 2021

Medicine case

CASE HSITORY AND CLINICAL FINDINGS 29 year old female patient came to the casualty with h/o consumption of rodentiscide paste / ratatol poisoning 6days back [ 10 gm - approx. containing 3% yellow phosphorus ] followed by complaits of 1 episode of fever with chills 4 days ago subscided with medication . complaints of vomiting since 4 days  2to 3 episodes per day ,food as contents complaints of  yellowish discolouration of eyes and body since yesterday associated with discolouration of urine and dcrease appetite since 2 days . patient visited to local RMP yesterday morning she under went investigations : her Hb 3.7 gmd /dl ,TB : 5.6 DB 3.2 AST 270 ,ALT 340 ,ALP 135 ,TP 6.4 ,albumin 3.9 globulin 2.5 complaints of burnung sensation in chest ,giddiness today morning associated with palpitations  so she was brought to our hospital, no history of loose stools, pain abdomen, bleeding gumsno discouluration of stools ,no h/o sob ,blood in stools ,h/o fever 7 years ago, she got test...

medicine case

 This is online E log book to discuss our patient’s de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian’s signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient’s problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs  A 79yr male presented to casuality with chief complaints of  pedal edema  since 10 days , shortness of breath since 5 days   Patient was apparently asymptomatic 10days back then came with c/o   Pedal edema since 10 days -pitting type ,shortness of breath since 10 days insidious in onset , grade 3(marked limitation in activity) ,Fever 7  days back which subsided ,Dry cough 7 days back which subsided. PAST HISTORY - K/c/o hTN since 10 yrs on  regular medication-telmisartan 40mg H/o CVA 10 yrs back for which he was treated.  Not a k/c/o diabetes , TB,asthama,cvd , ep...

medicine case

NEPHROLOGY CASE This is online E log book to discuss our patient’s de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian’s signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient’s problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs A 45 yr old male presented with complaints of  BIATERAL PEDAL EDEMA SINCE 1 MONTH ABDOMINAL DISTENTION SINCE 20 DAYS SOB SINCE 15 DAYS  DECREASED URINE OUTPUT SINCE 15 DAYS SCROTAL SWELLING SINCE 1 DAY.  HOPI PT WAS APPARENTLY ASYMPTOMATIC 1 MONTH BACK , then he noticed BILATERAL PEDAL EDEMA OF PITTING TYPE , WHICH IS INSIDIOUS IN ONSET,  FOR WHICH HE VISITED TO LOCAL HOSPITAL AND GOT TO BE TOLD TO HAVE SOME KIDNEY ISSUE ( small kidneys) and RECEIVED SOME MEDICATION AND GOT RELIEVED FOR BRIEF TIME AFTER 1 WEEK HE AGAIN DEVELOPED B/L PEDAL EDEMA OF PITTING TYPE WHICH IS GRADUALLY PROGRESS...